2020 In Review

What a year we all have had to experience. It's not what I expected, planned, or asked for, but I look back and some good things did happen for my art.

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A First Time

2020 brought the opportunity to donate funds through art sales for the first time. I was able to give proceeds to the Soroptimist International of Havre de Grace. An organization that works to improve the lives of girls and women through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.


Festivals and


Despite having delays, cancelations, and quarantine I was still able to get out there and participate in Annapolis, Baltimore, and Havre de Grace, Maryland. The art community as well as I had to adapt to the circumstances and be willing for flexibility.


A New Series

My Flower Song series was a step away from the seaside themed paintings. For me it was a nice stretch in another direction to widen the topics that I create. To add flowers with religious reference to the human experience is something I've wanted to do and I think I may end up revisiting this type of spiritual art.


Lights, Camera, Action

For the first time I was involved in a documentary that told the story of the journey of missionaries to the country of Japan. My part was to express the story through painting and have it filmed to add a unique visual to its telling. This was fun and hopefully it will be something that I can continue in the coming months of 2021.


A New Word

For 2021 I plan on doing some things differently with C Irwin Design. The focus will be on a word that I chose to inspire me for the months ahead. PIVOT, to turn, rotate, or swivel is my word this year. My hope is to be more open to what will be needed as an artist businessman and to turn in the direction that brings the best benefits to me, my family, and my patrons.

Thank you for your continued support and following. Blessings to you on your journey of 2021.