Thankfully Singed
/I'm heading into the holiday season and it is a time I really enjoy with my family. The food, decorations, and music I really enjoy. Even when I was a UPS driver with the long days, I found the beauty of lights and the cheers of the people as I arrived with the shipments wonderful. I do love this time of the year.
Thanksgiving to me is a great way to start the seasonal time. It sets the stage and tone in helping me to focus on what I am thankful for. My beautiful wife, great kids, health, my art, and a home are some of the things that I'm gratefully blessed.
This year starts with some extra thanks on my families part because of a recent incident in our home.
Last Saturday we were invited to a Friendsgiving at a neighbors house. Just a time to eat some traditional Thanksgiving foods with those you normally wouldn't see. I love our neighborhood because in general having block parties and getting together for celebrations is a normal thing.
While Diane and I were at the Friendsgiving we get a text from our daughter Shannon who was going to come to the party late because she had to work. She said that when she walked into our home after work it was smokey and the toaster oven was on. I hurried home and enter to the smell of smoke and burnt plastic. What we thinks happened was some groceries that were sat down on the counter banged the toaster oven and damaged the knob that turns it on. The little oven turned on and couldn't be turned off until Shannon unplugged it using oven mits because she said it was glowing orangey red when she found it. The heat burned the wall, the electric cords to the blender and coffee maker. and some groceries left on the counter. As I looked at the damage and then to my dog at my feet in the kitchen, this could have been a different holiday season for the Irwin's.
the recent experience was a 'gentle' reminder to love and enjoy the people and things that I have. To not loose those opportunities to appreciate my stuff. To hug, laugh, and say how much my family means to me. And to know in a moment it can literally go up in smoke.